dinsdag 30 augustus 2011

10 & 11 September - Joep Overtoom

The second Malerei account the paintings of artist Joep Overtoom (Amsterdam, 1981). Through the careful composition of visual elements from different environments Joep Overtoom is searching for the essence of landscapes. His landscapes, which show the human environment, are in a state of decay and depict a world that continually shifts between hallucinogenic and chaotic and one that at the same time appears simplistic and clear. It's the painterly translation of isolated visual elements that evoke the hallucinatory intensity and psychological effects of these spaces. The work asks the viewer to reflect on his potential unease, to investigate the presented "reality" and eventually find his own place within this world. It is through the calm almost clinical depiction of everyday objects and elements that space is provided for the viewer to link their experiences with the presented reality of the painting and to interpret them from their own frame of reference.

Weekend 2011

Saturday June 11 2011, 21:00 – 01:00


And open on
Sunday June 12 2011, 13:00 – 17:00

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