This show is a continuation of their solo show The Work, The Study, The Oeuvre and The Collection, which took place in September and October this year at Galerie10 in Utrecht. During Malerei they will focus on The Collection. V & B make paintings, sculptures and installations which have their origin in the existence as an artist and how he / she moves within contemporary society. The duo is always looking for new ways of creating an image whereby in painting a brush stroke is never visible. In the recent works that will be shown during Malerei they used casting, grinding and gouging as techniques in order to create different layers of paint. During Malerei V & B invites artists to exchange their work under the name FITAX Solo. Exchanging art is a way to determine the intrinsic value of art together. The Fitax is a concept developed by the Tupajumi Foundation, an idea to start and / or expand an art collection without money.
The Rime of the Ancient Cash Machine, 122 x 150cm.,mixed paint on wood, 2011
Saturday november 5 2011, 21:00 – 01:00
And open on
Sunday november 6 2011, 13:00 – 17:00